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Can outdoor car covers be used on vehicles stored indoors

It all boils down to what kind of composite material is used in the FR Protecting Cover Fabric.There are two or more layers of composite that are ultrasonically bonded in a fairly good quality indoor car cover. However, whether or not only two layers of composites will provide the best protection depends on the indoor climate of your garage and the quality of the composite used in the fabric. If you have a fairly climate-controlled environment without humidity and danger of mold the basic outdoor car cover will work. But do keep in mind that outdoor and indoor car covers are engineered differently and their composite fabric is very different. While the outdoor car cover is more rugged and works great against outdoor elements, they are not designed for long term, indoor storage in mind.


As a result, most outdoor car covers that have less than four layers will not perform as good as a two-layer indoor car cover when your vehicle is stored indoors.Indoor car covers are designed to protect your vehicle from residual dust, natural humidity buildup in a confined place, protection against insects and small animals rodents and critters and more.On the other hand, outdoor car covers provide robust protection against more intense outdoors environment where your vehicle in more prone to face harsh elements, including but not limited to extreme temperature, rain, mud, slush, ice, snow, sun light/UV ray, debris of all sorts and more. While the composites in each layer are made out of different protection in mind, you usually cannot tell which layer consists of what protective layer as companies keep that information proprietary.


Ideally, you need all five layers of protective shield that can protect your vehicle both indoors and outdoors and can provide year round protection.Even with several layers, it’s not easy to get the optimal protection for year-round, for both indoors and outdoors for your vehicle.Cheap car cover fabrics are often manufactured by simply gluing multiple layers of mediocre composites.More alarmingly, some counterfeit car covers are made out of non-composite materials that have no protective properties whatsoever.While the resulted car cover will be hard to distinguish from a quality all-weather car cover, the level of protection will be day night difference. The most seamless bonding of layer happens from ultrasonic bonding any other method will be prone to peeling and poor protection.


In fact, poorly constructed, glued car cover can melt in heat excess of 120 F and can permanently damage the exterior of a car if indoor temperature tends to rise that high think metallic car.The protection level also depends on what kind of engineering goes in the making of a car cover.A breathable car cover will do great both indoors and outdoors and the best breathable composite layer is the micro-porus film that is highly coveted in the world of car covers.You also want the inner most layer to be soft and easy on the finish and paint of your ride. Not all car covers are made equal and some car covers that are engineered for solely outdoors will do more harm than good on vehicles that are stored indoors.Do your research, don’t hesitate to ask question and make sure your car cover can be used indoors if you’re in doubt.Most car cover store has dedicated care line, talk with an expert before making a purchasing decision. Also make sure the car cover you’re purchasing has generous warranty and return policy should you find out you need to return for any reason.